New Customers
To Create Customers on PPS from Quickbooks
1) Create a customer in Quickbooks first. When creating customers do not use special characters such as ~^*|\ Ñ, ñ in customer names or addresses product descriptions or anywhere in Quickbooks, since Quickbooks interface cannot handle them and will cause errors
2) Run PPS Quickbooks
3) Go to Actions >> Sync Customers With Quickbooks
Once this is comlete you should see a list id for each customer in PPS. To check this you should see a long number at the bottom of the customer edit screen like below where it says QBID
New Products
To insert new products from PPS to quickbooks
PPS syncs products to and from Quickbooks. New Products are inserted into Quickbooks then products are read back with the Quickbooks list id. If a product does not have a list id it will not invoice. To tell if a product has been synced, you should see a long number above the groups in the products edit screen. See below
To sync products go to Actions >> Sync Products With Quickbooks
You will see a screen like this
Click GO then the system will sync products and you will notify you when done
To Create Invoices
Choose Actions >> Create Invoices
You will be presented with a list of invoices. You can uncheck the invoices you do not want to invoice and then click GO
If any items are RED then you cannot invoice that order until wither the customer or the product that has not been synced, has been synced to Quickbooks.
When invoicing is complete go to Actions >> Delete all Invoices from Queue. This will complete only the invoices that successfully invoiced